Temperatures on the Costa del Sol continue to climb now that we are in August and were recorded by meteorologists as being almost two degrees warmer than normal during July.

Data from the Aemet weather station, at El Cónsul close to Malaga Airport, show that the average daily temperature in July was 32.4 degrees.

This is 1.9 degrees above the normal average of 30.5 degrees.

The warmer than normal weather was according to the experts due to global warming and prevailing westerly winds off the land.

Nighttime temperatures too were hotter than in previous years with the mercury only dipping down to 22.6 degrees, making it difficult for some people to sleep.

The prediction for August is more of the same with average temperatures likely to stay above normal for the entire month.

While we have had hotter than normal temperatures, the perception is that the weather seems normal for this time of the year, as we have not had any days above 40 degrees.

Prolonged time out in the sun can lead to heatstroke, so be sure to use sunscreen, wear a hat and drink plenty of water.

Warnings have been issued this week, regarding the very high temperatures due in some parts of the Costa del Sol.