If you still have some old Spanish pesetas lying around, you only have until the end of next year to hand them in for euros.

With the introduction of the euro in 2002, the old familiar peseta’s may now be a distant memory, but they can still be exchanged for euros until the end of 2020.

The Banco de España says that as of July of this year there were still 268.5 billion pesetas (1.66 billion euros) stuffed inside mattresses or hidden in forgotten places that could now be lost forever.

Last year 10 million euros worth of pesetas were exchanged for euros which represent only a tiny amount of what is still out there.

Many of the pesetas may have disappeared with foreign tourists who probably don’t even realize that they are still worth something.

The official deadline for handing in old pesetas to the Banco de España is December 2020.

pesetas spain exchange deadline 2020